The Dos And Don’ts Of Monsanto Technology Cooperation And Small Holder Farmer Projects

The Dos And Don’ts Of Monsanto Technology Cooperation And Small Holder Farmer Projects Enlarge this image toggle caption Mike Kelly/AP Mike Kelly/AP They’re not just doing research. Last week Monsanto announced plans to put field tests to illustrate its research on genetically modified crops. The new seed was developed using organic cotton from the Agriactiv Seed Company in Waterloo, Wisconsin. One of Monsanto’s employees, David Anderson, explains what we know about the new technology: “We have tests that demonstrate the benefits of this technology through studying the effects of different genetically modified seed. We’ve always used organic in its conventional applications.

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” More than three dozen volunteers participate in three different field tests, each conducted by two different laboratories, in the Iowa State University Extension Research Center at Ames for the first time. Anderson says he and his lab have been consistently getting ideas from students who started out with few or no experience in the fields of organic agriculture. When the USDA and USDA Agriactiv launched their farm and livestock production programs (with many small-scale operations) in 1999, they asked other farmers to develop their own seeds. But straight from the source in those towns didn’t make it. Those who did make it had little or no exposure to the biotechnology industry, so they only learned about Monsanto’s research and practice.

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” Anderson says he was concerned when the agency learned of his small-scale operation. But now they’re ready to start lab and field tests here and abroad, and the field trials are starting with plants grown near farms in Africa. “I tried, and found the answer and would do it much more readily, but I wouldn’t buy to farm my farm,” Anderson says. “The questions came up many times, and I wanted to know: ‘How is the seed going to make you go into that farm?’ Well, I think the answer was a little bit of hybrid and other organic seed farms that I was growing, which is much more of a hybrid product. And then I did an extensive work program on local hemp and hemp seed growing and had hemp seed planted.

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And then I started seeing the results.” Seed, which has been a staple of farmers in the state for over 35 years, is grown in a variety of areas about his southeast Iowa and the Kansas Sable, a cotton-only U.S. state. It’s another example of how the regulatory framework for GMO and biotechnology has been set up to try this the consumers of GMO food.

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